IPL 2015



Wearable technology is a new thing in this world and if anyone can make this wearable technology then it is apple. Apple’s iWatch is a big project. For making this iWatch a team of 100 designers are working on it. This innovative wrist watch will be capable of performing tasks which are handled by iPad and iPhone. The team of 100 designers include engineers from all parts of Apple i.e. marketers, software developers, managers, iPhone engineers and iPad engineers. This innovative project will be completed under the guidance of Sir Johnny Ive. In an investor meeting in February 2013, CEO of Apple hinted that they are going to launch iWatch soon. He also told that they are focusing on some new category which is related to iWatch.

Contribution of Gorilla Glass in Apple’s iWatch:

As we know a glass cover is necessary for completing the design of wrist watch. So for the outer glass cover Apple has experimented with curved glass. This glass can cover human body and will corn by just announcing Willow Glass. Willow Glass has the ability to flop easily like a piece of floating paper without breaking. 

Design of iWatch:

Technology editor, Charles Aruthur is working hard to make this watch look better for both males and females. They will not look like Omega Seamaster or G-Shock. For giving it a perfect look Apple has done various mock-ups. They are trying to design something that will look good on both genders. The Apple’s iWatch will be classier than G-Shock and I am sure you will be agree on it.

Features in Apple’s iWatch:

Apple’s iWatch is facilitated with a screen of 1.5 inch. On this screen some selected information is displayed. This screen is not designed to display complete menu because it can create mess on the screen and it will also be difficult for the owner to select a particular option.

Bluetooth is a communication device and it is essential for establishing communication between iPhone, iPod and iWatch. In iWatch this communication can be done on very low frequency Bluetooth. 
Bruce Tognazzini says that his ideas for Apple’s iWatch are not based on any inside information. They are predicted to include weather features, replacing cash, organizing your life, monitoring steps of life, making passbook and fixing Apple Maps. 

Some good points are also made about the release date of Apple’s iWatch. When you will look back then it is not the first. Apple’s always do the things which are experimented by some others and after their defeat they try out it and make a new product with lots of cool features.      

In March 2013 it is revealed that Apple’s iWatch will also include figure print scanning technique for the reason of NFC based security. It is also rumored that Apple is also working on fingerprint sensors for iOS devices and when it is the matter of Apple’s iWatch then Apple is ready to do anything.

It is also rumored that Apple iWatch will work on biometrics concept and deep integration with existing iOS devices. The wearable design of this watch will help in offering secure biometrics functionality and user identification. Instead of OLED panels this gadgets is rumored to function on GF2 technology which is similar to the technology used in iPod nano and iPad mini. Basically is a format which is well suitable for small screened devices. 

Because of biometrics functionality, this device does not allow unwanted user access. The device is also believed to work on some latest operating system but with little modification. iWatch is now become the Dick Tracy watch of 2013. Stream music is also featured in this watch but instead of pluggable ear buds a set of Bluetooth headphones is recommended.

Facility of health monitoring, Maps and SIRI:

This is a big question that Apple’s iWatch will be facilitated with health monitoring software for monitoring daily health status, a version of Apple’s map software(for getting assistance of real- time directions), support of text messages and SIRI, the voice support system. 
SIRI is needed for controlling iOS by voice recognition method. If this facility is not provided in Apple’s iWatch then there will be no difference in iPhone, iPad and Apple’s iWatch. This device will actually functions on nano software system. 

iWatch don’t have the capability to do everything:

Like iPhone and iPad, Apple’s watch is not programmed to do everything. Facility of Bluetooth means it does not need to perform all activities. So it will function more like a pebble smartwatch. On the other hand many people like CRAIG GRANNEL are expecting to experience every function on this iWatch.

Apple’s iWatch will face serious competition:

In the battlefield of technology Apple’s wearable watch is a next big thing. Samsung confirmed that this is the smartwatch of next generation. Apple’s iWatch is planning to give a big competition of Google’s devices which has filed a smartwatch of this year. 
One of the most large imaginary bandwagon is LG. instead of launching a disappointing phone’s watch in 200- LG begins to delay it and now finally Apple is going to launch same watch with innovative ideas in near future. 
iWatch is not only a wearable computer. Google Glass also swims in the same pool. Co-founder of Twitter, Jack Dorsey says that soon Apple’s watch will win over Google Glass but in actual it will be estimated after the launch of this innovative watch. It is also rumored that iWatch can win over Google Glasses because they will be cheaper than Google Glasses and will hit the main stream.

Release date and price mystery:

Do you remember that before the launch of Apple’s iPad we thought that it will be of $1,000. Now, how we laugh on our thinking. Same as it, until we have a clear idea about Apple’s iWatch and of shipping date we can’t estimate its price. 
For its release data we have a little idea that Apple claimed it to launch in 2013 for sure. In the month of April also Apple announced to launch an exciting product category in 2013 or in 2014. Technologies which can be wear on wrist.

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